UPPCL JE Electrical Solved Paper PDF Download

UPPCL JE Electrical Solved Paper PDF Download : All the candidates preparing for UPPCL JE Electrical need very important study material related to this exam so that they can prepare for this exam in the best way. So, for the candidates who are preparing for UPPCL JE Electrical, some important questions asked in the UPPCL JE Electrical exam and their answers have been given in our post, which you should read carefully. These questions have already been asked in many UPPCL JE Electrical exams and can be asked in the upcoming exams.

UPPCL JE Electrical Solved Paper PDF Download

1. Conductors used in high tension lines are kept stranded because ……..
• For increased tensile strength.
• For ease of handling .
• Cheaper in cost.
• Low resistance
Answer: For ease of handling

2. In ACSR conductors, there is insulation of …………….. between aluminium and steel conductors.
• Bitumen
• Varnish
• Insulin
• Insulation is not required
Answer: Insulation is not required

3. Which law describes the relation between current, voltage and resistance in a closed circuit at constant temperature?
• Kirchhoff’s first law
• Kirchhoff’s second law
• Joule’s law
• Ohm’s law
Answer: Ohm’s law

4. What comes under the study of lighting?
• Studying the wiring system of lighting
• Designing the lighting system
• Calculating the wiring materials required in wiring
• Studying photometry
Answer: Designing the lighting system

5. Gas-discharge lamps glow with full brightness after some time interval. Which of the lamps mentioned below has a longer time delay than the others?
• Tube lamp
• Mercury vapour lamp
• Sodium vapour lamp
• Neon lamp
Answer: Neon lamp

6. Which of the following devices can convert AC power into DC?
• Generator
• Alternator
• Transformer
• Rectifier
Answer: Rectifier

7. Which of the following control switches is used to control the sharpness of the trace in a CRO?
• Intensity control switch
• Time base switch
• CAL-switch
• Alternator switch
Answer: intensity control switch

8. The unit of admittance is?
• Siemens
• Ohm
• Henry
• Volt
Answer. Siemens

9. Capacitor-start and capacitor-start capacitor-run motors are used in?
• Ceramic capacitors
• Mica capacitors
• Paper or non-polar electrolytic capacitors
• Styroflex capacitors
north. paper or nonpolar electrolytic capacitors

10. Oscillators containing capacitors are used in transmitters due to their
• frequency stability
• low cost
• robustness
• simplicity
Answer: Frequency stability

11. What is used to fix a screw to a concrete wall and ceiling?
• Pin clips
• Bushings
• Saddles
• Rawl plugs
Answer: Rawal Plug

12. Cooling towers are used in thermal power plants for …….
• To condense low pressure steam
• To cool the condensed steam
• Cold water is used in the condenser for the steam to be condensed
• To supply cold water to the boiler
Answer. Cold water is used in the condenser to condense the steam

13. What type of core is used in transformers designed to operate at high frequencies (in the MHz range)?
• Aluminium core
• Iron core
• Air core
• Bare iron core
Answer: Air core

14. Which of the following is a form of biomass?
• Tree masses
• Crop residues
• Animal dung
• All of these
Answer: All of these

15. How many of the following PN junctions are there in a PNP transistor?
• 4
• 3
• 2
• 1
Answer: 2

16. Synchronous machine is called doubly excited machine because……..
• It can be over excited.
• It has two sets of rotor poles.
• Both its rotor and stator are excited.
• It requires twice the normal exciting current.
Answer: Its rotor and stator both are excited.

17. In metallic concealed/conduit wiring system the following are used for laying cables where the wall is exposed:
• Standard solid bands
• Standard inspection bands
• Metallic flexible conduit
• Offset bands
Answer: Metallic flexible tube

18. Which type of relay keeps its contacts in on position after power is cut off?
• Undercurrent relay
• Voltage racing relay
• Latching relay
• Current sensing relay
Answer. Latching relay

19. The maximum reverse voltage that a diode can withstand is called?
• threshold voltage
• peak inverse voltage
• cut-in voltage
• avalanche voltage
Answer: Peak inverse voltage

20. If the number of turns of the secondary wrapping of a transformer is doubled and the primary voltage is halved, then its secondary voltage will be?
• Half
• Double
• Same
• Quadruple
Answer: Same

21. Which of the following rivets are used for general structural work?
• Pan head rivet
• Snap head rivet
• Flat head rivet
• Countersunk head rivet
Answer: Pan head rivet

22. ACSR conductors are used in place of copper in overhead lines because
• Their capacity to carry current is high.
• They are light in weight.
• They are cheap.
• They have high tensile strength.
Answer: They are cheap.

23. In lap widening there are …….. parallel paths?
• Two
• Four
• Equal to the pole number
• One
Answer: Equivalent to pole number

24. Which type of poles are preferred in the service line of a residential colony?
• Wood
• Steel tubular
• Steel tower
Answer: RCC

25. If two ammeters X and Y require 40 mA and 50 mA current respectively for full scale deflection then-
• Instrument X is more sensitive.
• Instrument X is more sensitive.
• Both instruments are sensitive.
• Sensitivity cannot be estimated from the given information.
Answer: Device X is more sensitive.

26. Corona is formed between two transmission conductors when ……..
• Their potential difference is high.
• Their distance is less.
• They are carrying DC power.
• Both (A) and (B)
Answer: Both (A) and (B)

27. The application of a medium power transistor is……
• In microphone
• In audio amplifier
• In transducer
• In tape head
Answer: Audio amplifier

28. What effect will reversing the direction of motion of a conductor moving in the magnetic field of a generator have on the current flow?
• There will be no effect
• Current flow will stop
• The direction of current flow will also reverse
• The magnitude of current flow will decrease
Answer. The direction of current flow will also reverse

29. The cable is to be installed for the switchboard using clips on the batten. The distance between the line and the equipment is 3-6 m. How many clips will be required to install the cable horizontally?
• 20
• 27
• 37
• 70
Answer: 37

30. Chisels are made
from? • High carbon steel
• High speed steel
• Cast steel
• Tungsten steel
Answer: High carbon steel

31. “The sum of all the currents meeting at a single point is zero, whose law is this?
• Kitchouff’s current law
• Kitchouff’s voltage law
• Ohm’s law
• Gauss’s law
Answer: Kitchouff’s current law

32. When connecting copper wire with aluminium wire use?
• Straight tube and nut connectors
• Bimetallic universal PG clamps
• Standard PG clasps
• Pressure connectors
Answer. Bimetallic universal PG clamp

33. If the ammeter resistor in a feedback circuit is not bypassed by a capacitor, then the circuit is called?
• Current feedback circuit
• Voltage feedback circuit
• Inverted voltage feedback circuit
• Foldback circuit
Answer: Current feedback circuit

34. It is advisable to avoid using a DOL starter for starting a 5HP induction motor because
• the starting torque will be very low
• the motor will draw 5 to 7 times the full-load current at starting
• it will attain very high speed and will break down
• it will run in the reverse direction
Answer: The motor will draw 5 to 7 times the full-load current at starting.

35. Which colour has a wavelength between yellow and blue light?
• Violet
• Orange
• Red
• Green
Answer: Green

36. The output voltage of a single loop generator is?
• Constant DC
• Constant AC
• Pulsed DC
• Pulsed AC
Answer: Pulsed AC.

37. Resistor is used in electrical circuit?
• To stop the flow of current
• To increase the amount of current flow
• To decrease the amount of current flow
• None of the above
Answer: To stop the flow of current

UPPCL JE Electrical Practice Set PDF download

38. The unit of resistance is ……….
• mho
• volt
• ohm
• ampere
Answer: Om

39. Electrical solder mixture is?
• Lead-37&, Tin-63&
• Lead-50&, Tin-50&
• Lead-50&, Tin-37&
• Lead-70&, Tin-30&
Answer: Lead-37&, Tin-63&

40. For which of the following operations, DC is essential?
• Mercury arc lamp
• Arc lamp
• Sodium vapour lamp
• Fluorescent lamp
Answer: Arc Deep

41. Permanent capacitor motors are used in which of the following?
• Compressors
• Blowers
• Ceiling fans
• Washing machines
Answer: Ceiling fans

42. Which of the following is not an advantage of negative feedback?
• Reduction in noise
• Reduction in distortion
• Increase in gain
• Increase in sound quality
Answer: Increase in profit

43. Colpitts oscillator produces?
• Square wave
• Sine wave
• Saw-tooth wave
• Damped wave
Answer. which wave

44. According to ISI what should be the electrical resistance between electric water heater body and connecting cable?
• 0-01 mega ohm
• Not less than 0-5 mega ohm
• 1-0 kilo ohm
• 0:01 kilo ohm
Answer: Not less than 0-5 mega ohm

45. The sweep of a ceiling fan is expressed in terms of:
• Radius of the circle formed by its rotation
• Twice the length of the blade
• Distance from the edge of the blade to the centre of the motor
• Twice the distance from the edge of the blade to the centre of the motor
Answer: Twice the distance from the edge of the blade to the centre of the motor

46. ​​Transformers are bed in?
• kW
• kV
• kWh
• kVA
Answer: in kVA

47. A single-phase motor having power more than one horsepower must use a D.O.L. starter for ………
• Starting
• Stopping
• Providing overload protection
• All of the above functions
Answer: In all the above tasks

48. Thermal overload relay is installed in the starter to protect the motor against…….
• ‘Short circuit’
• ‘Open circuit’
• Over current
• Low voltage
Answer: more current

49. Which of the following contacts is used in series with the serial set to compensate for the lower value of cold resistance of the filament?
• NTC thermistor
• PTC thermistor
• Voltage dependent resistor
• Flasher
north. NTC Thermistor

50. Automatic volume control (AVC) system of radio receiver uses?
• Positive feedback
• Negative feedback
• Inverse feedback
• No feedback
Answer: Negative feedback

51. A 4-pole alternator has 36 turns and the coil span is 1 to 8. This winding will have ……. electrical degree low pitch?
• 80
• 40
• 20
• 10
Answer: 40

52. The fundamental unit of resistance measurement is?
• Mega ohm
• Milli ohm
• Ohm
• Kilo ohm
Answer: Ohm

53. What will happen if the induction motor of a pump is operated at 30 ohms less supply voltage?
• It will start after some time
• It will run at the following speed and there will be no damage.
• It will overheat and get damaged indefinitely
• Nothing will go wrong.
Answer: It will heat up and get spoilt forever

54. If in an amplifying circuit a portion of the output voltage is supplied to the input part of the circuit at 180° phase difference, then this principle is called?
• Negative feedback
• Positive feedback
• Voltage feedback
• Current feedback
Answer: Negative feedback

55. If the value of the current to be measured is not known, then the measurement should be started from?
• From the minimum measurement limit
• From the middle measurement limit
• From the highest measurement limit
• From any measurement limit
Answer: From the highest measurement limit

56. The function of steel wire in ACRS conductor is…….
• To compensate skin effect
• To take care of surge of charge
• To provide extra mechanical strength
• To reduce inductance
Answer: To provide additional mechanical strength

57. To take the supply from the main into multiple branches, three types of wiring systems are used. As per IE rules, it is necessary to have a ‘ring main circuit’ for each floor area and its part. What is this area?
• 100 sq. m.
• 120 sq. m.
• 150 sq. m.
• 160 sq. m.
Answer. 100 sq m.

58. The rotational speed of a universal motor can be controlled by?
• Series voltage regulator
• Tapped field method
• Centrifugal switch method
• Any one of the methods mentioned above
Answer: By any one of the methods mentioned above

59. One atomic mass unit (amu) is equal to…………?
• 9 31.4 MeV
• 2 
51.2 MeV
• 1 
20.4 MeV
• 3 
15.5 MeV
Answer: 9 31.4 MeV

60. Corona can be reduced by………
• Increasing the operating voltage
• Decreasing the distance between the conductors
• Increasing the effective diameter of the conductor
• Any of the above
Answer: By increasing the effective diameter of the conductor

61. The main reason for setting the teeth of a hacksaw blade is?
• To reduce friction in cutting metal
• Nothing
• To give it a beautiful shape
• To help in cutting jobs of greater width and depth.
Answer: To reduce friction in metal cutting

62. Which of the following rivets is used for girders and heavy construction works?
• Pan head rivet
• Snap head rivet
• Flat head rivet
• Countersunk head rivet
Answer: countersunk head rivet

63. Of the following ……….. has the highest grid installation potential.
• Solar
• Biomass
• Wind
• Small hydro scheme
Answer: Wind

64. By increasing the load of a DC shunt motor, its speed:
• remains constant
• will increase in proportion
• will increase a little
• will decrease a little
Answer: It will decrease a little bit

65. In single phase motors, the purpose of using capacitors is?
• To increase the starting torque of the motor
• To split the phases to create a rotating magnetic field.
• To reduce the noise of the motor
• To protect the motor from overload
Answer: Splitting the phases to create a rotating magnetic field.

66. In a serial set of bulbs, a flasher is used. What is the function of the flasher?
• To break and make the circuit but it does not give any light.
• To break and make the circuit and it gives light.
• Just to break the circuit and it does not give light.
• Just to make the circuit and it gives light .
Answer: To break and make the circuit but it does not give any light.

67. The emf produced by a dc generator is . . . . . . . .The affected emf is
• Stationary
• Dynamic
• Magnetically
• Electrostatically
Answer: Dynamic

68. When can a synchronous motor be used as a power factor correcting device?
• When running at lagging power factor
• When running at unity power factor
• When running at leading power factor
• None of the above
Answer: When running at leading power factor.

69. The rotation speed of a DC shunt motor can be increased beyond its full speed by?
• Increasing armature current
• Decreasing armature current
• Increasing field current
• Decreasing field current
Answer: By reducing the field current

70. The values ​​of pitch factor and distribution factor for an alternator are 0.9 and 0.8 respectively. The emf developed due to these factors will be ….. times less than that of a full-pitch and concentric winding?
• 0.7
• 0.72
• 0.88
• 0.92
Answer: 0.72

71. An alternating voltage is developed across two opposite sides of a body when:
• An voltage of the following voltage is applied to them.
• A magnetic field is applied to them.
• A static field is applied to them.
• Compression and expansion occurs between them.
Answer: Compression and expansion occurs between them.

72. The main feature of a transformer is that it changes the voltage level of an AC signal.
• Without changing its power .
• Without changing its frequency .
• Without changing its shape .
• Without changing its power, frequency and shape.
Answer. Without changing its power, frequency and shape

73. The purpose of applying a layer of varnish on the shells is?
• To increase the insulation of the shells
• To make the shells vibration free
• To apply an additional insulating layer on the shells
• All of the above
Answer: All of the above

74. The first nuclear power plant in India was established in?
• Kota (Rajasthan)
• Tarapur (Maharashtra)
• Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu)
• Narora (Uttar Pradesh)
Answer: In Tarapur (Maharashtra)

75. Sodium vapour lamps are particularly suitable for:
• street lighting
• storehouses
• foggy areas
• all of the above
Answer: In foggy areas

76. What are the three types of grooves made in armature cores?
• Open, closed, semi-open
• Open, closed, semi-closed
• Square, square, triangular
• None of the above
Answer. Open, closed, semi-closed

77. The level of leakage current of silicon diode before ‘breakdown’ condition is?
• 1μA
• 100μA
• 1 mM
• 100 mA
Answer: 1μA

78. Reluctance motors are………….
• Double excited
• Singly excited
• Either (A) or (B)
• None of the above
Answer: Either (A) or (B)

79. The sensitivity of a voltmeter is expressed in?
• Volt/Ohm
• Ohm-Volt
• 1/Volt/Ohm
• Ohm/Volt
Answer: in ohm/volt

80. Which of the following motors will operate at high power factor?
• Universal motor
• Capacitor start motor
• Capacitor run motor
• Split phase motor
Answer: Capacitor run motor

81. To stabilize the gain of an amplifier –
• Positive feedback is used.
• No feedback is used
. • The input voltage is changed.
• Negative feedback is used.
Answer: Negative feedback is used.

82. In a synchronous motor, damper winding is used to…
• Stabilise the rotor motion
• Suppress oscillations of the rotor
• Develop required starting torque
• Both (B) and (C)
Answer: Both (B) and (C)

83. The cutting edge of a flat cold chisel is made slightly convex so that
• less force is required for cutting and the edge does not get stuck in the job
• the metal can be cut easily
• chipping can be done in a straight line
• the edge does not break during chipping
Answer. Less power is required in cutting and its edge does not get stuck in the job

84. What is the direction of armature current in a DC motor?
• Same as that of the generated emf.
• Opposite to the generated emf.
• It does not depend on the direction of armature emf.
• None of the above
Answer: It is opposite to the generated emf.

85. What is the fusing factor of H.R.C. fuse?
• 2-0
• 1.7
Answer: 1.1

86. Why can a short circuit fault not be resolved with operating voltage?
• High short circuit current may damage the measuring instrument.
• Over current protection device connected at supply side will operate and switch off the supply.
• High short circuit voltage may cause dangerous electric arc.
• High short circuit current may overload the supply source.
Answer: High ‘short-circuit’ current may damage the measuring instrument.

87. Which of the following properties is more important for aluminium than for copper?
• Electrical resistivity
• Melting point
• Thermal conductivity
• Specific gravity
Answer: electrical resistivity

88. Which wire system is generally used in public buildings (offices)?
• Cleat wiring
• Casing-capping wiring
• CTS wiring
• Conduit wiring
Answer: Conduit wiring

89. One kilogram of natural uranium gives energy equivalent to …….
• 100 kg. coal
• 1000 kg. coal
• 5000 kg. coal
• 10,000 kg. coal
Answer: 10,000 kg. coal

90. The value of shunt resistance in an ammeter is usually
• equal to the resistance to be measured.
• more than the resistance to be measured.
• less than the resistance to be measured .
• can be of any value.
Answer: It is less than the measured resistance.

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