UPPCL Je Electrical Model Paper PDF Download

UPPCL Je Electrical Model Paper PDF Download : While preparing for any exam, you should look at the model paper of that exam so that you will know what type of questions were asked in this exam. So if you are preparing for Je Electrical UPPCL, then in this post we are giving you a model paper of Je Electrical UPPCL which you can solve yourself and improve your preparation and along with it its answers are given so that you will also get its correct answer.

UPPCL Je Electrical Model Paper PDF Download

1. When a fluorescent lamp turns dark at the ends. It likely means that
• Wrong gas has been filled in the lamp.
• The lamp has been turned on too low.
• The starter is not working properly.
• The lamp is new.
Answer: The starter is not working properly.

2. Magnetic lines of force appear to move outside the magnet:
• North to South
• South to North
• Negative to Positive
• In both directions
Answer: North to South

3. If a 3-phase motor runs on only two phases, it is called single phasing. It will eventually
• carry no load
• burn out
• run at three times the speed
• not work efficiently
Answer: It will burn.

4. If a coil establishes electrical contact with a constant, it is called?
• ‘Short-circuit’
• ‘Open-circuit’
• Closed
• Earthed
Answer: Earthed

5. This is not a type of A.C. winding?
• Basket winding
• Concentric winding
• Skin winding
• Gramme winding
Answer: Gramme Winding

6. Bent snips are used for?
• To remove burrs.
• To make holes in a sheet.
• To bend a sheet.
• To cut a sheet along curved lines.
Answer: To cut the sheet along the wood lines

7. Stepper motors are applied in…….
• Coil winders
• Fax machines
• Lifts and hoists
• Compressors
Answer: In fax machines

8. For voltages above ……. type insulators are generally not used.
• 66 kV
• 33 kV
• 25kV
• 11 kV
Answer: 33 kV

9. The power gain of an amplifier is usually expressed in which of the following?
• Percentage (&)
• Number
• Decibels (dB)
• Watts
Answer: In decibels (dB)

10. The capacitor of a capacitor-start induction-run, single-phase motor is replaced by an inductor of equivalent reactance value. If the motor is connected to the supply, it
will • run in the reverse direction
• not start on load
• run at low torque, drawing low current
• start but take no load
Answer: will not turn on load

11. What is the purpose of damper winding used in synchronous motors?
• To provide field excitation in synchronous motors
• To maintain constant speed in synchronous motors
• To start synchronous motors
• To establish rotating magnetic field in synchronous motors.
Answer: Starting synchronous motors.

12. The direction of rotation of a DC motor can be changed by:
• Reversing the supply connections
• Interchanging the armature and field connections
• Adding a resistance in the field circuit
• Reversing the armature or field connections
Answer: By reversing the armature or field connections

13. The function of compensating winding is to neutralize ……..
• Reactive voltage produced as a result of commutation.
• Cross magnetising effect of armature reaction
• Demagnetising effect of armature reaction
• All of the above
Answer: Demagnetizing effect of armature reaction

14. Compounded D.C. generator is used for……..
• For electro plating
• For welding generator
• For street light
• For railway
Answer: For electroplating

15. The value of emf produced in the armature of all DC generators is maximum when –
• The rate of change
of magnetic flux is minimum. • The rate of change of magnetic flux is maximum.
• The flux passing through the conductors is maximum.
• The flux passing through the conductors is minimum.
Answer: The rate of change of magnetic capital is maximum

16. What is called a natural magnet?
• Steel
• Load-stone
• Magnetism
• Soft-iron
Answer: load-stone

17. How can the cross-magnetising effect of armature reaction be cancelled in a d.c. generator?
• By introducing compensating winding
• By providing difference poles between the main poles
• By shifting the position of brushes from GNA to MNA
• Ampere-turn is increased in the field winding.
Answer: By shifting the position of the brush from GNA to MNA

18. The power factor (PF) of a capacitor-start, single-phase motor will usually be?
• 0.8 leading
• 0.8 lagging
• Unity
• None of these
Answer. 0.8 backward

19. The method that can be used to improve the commutation process is?
• Increasing brush resistance
• Decreasing the number of commutation sections, for this, reduce the number of turns in the armature coil
• Neutralizing the reactive voltage by creating an opposite voltage in the coil which is ‘short-circuited’ under the commutation effect
• None of the above
Answer: None of the above

20. Synchronous motor can be operated at which of the following?
• Lagging power factor only
• Leading power factor only
• Unity power factor
only • Lagging, leading and unity power factors only
Answer: Lagging, leading and unity power factor only

21. What is present in a multimeter?
• Voltmeter and Ohmmeter
• Voltmeter and Ammeter
• Voltmeter, Ammeter and Ohmmeter
• None of the above
Answer: Voltmeter, ammeter and ohmmeter

22. The illumination at any point on a surface is the luminous flux per unit area of ​​that surface and its unit is?
• Lux
• Lumen
• Cadilla
• Watt
Answer: Lux

23. In which of the following applications DC is required?
• Electric fractional motors
• Electric household appliances
• Machinery parts motors
• Illumination
Answer. Electric fractional motor

24. Complementary symmetry Class-‘B’ amplifier requires:
• Two NPN transistors
• Two PNP transistors
• One NPN and one PNP transistor
• Two NPN and two PNP transistors
Answer: One NPN and one PNP transistor

25. For measuring voltage across a low impedance, VTVM is more reliable than multimeter because
• It has high sensitivity.
• It presents high impedance.
• It does not change the measured voltage
• All of the above
Answer: All of the above

26. Capacitor consists of two……..
• Insulation, separated by a dielectric
• Conductors, separated by an insulator
• Ceramic plates and a mica disk
• Silver coated insulators
Answer. Conductors, separated by insulators

27. The armature current drawn by a synchronous motor when running under ‘no-load’ condition and normal excitation
• lags the back v.p. force Eb by a small angle.
• is large.
• lags the applied voltage V, by a small angle
• lags the resultant voltage E by 90°.
Answer: The applied voltage lags V by a small angle

28. A wattmeter can measure?
• Only AC power
• Only DC power
• AC or DC power
• DC power and AC power after rectification
Answer: AC or DC power

29. A blocking oscillator is?
• sine wave oscillator
• square wave oscillator
• sawtooth wave oscillator
• none of the above
Answer: Saw-tooth wave oscillator

30. The V-curve of a synchronous motor shows the relation between …..
• Excitation current and back e.v. force
• Field current and power factor
• D.C. field current and supply voltage
• None of the above
Answer: DC field current and supply voltage

31. In a power transformer the wrapping near the core
is • high voltage wrapping.
• low voltage wrapping.
• Can be either high or low voltage wrapping.
• Both types of wrappings are placed one above the other like a sandwich.
Answer: The following voltage is applied.

32. How many parallel paths of 6 poles does a simplex lap wound armature have in a DC generator?
• 4
• 6
• 8
• 12
Answer: 6

33. The function of a synchroscope is……..
• To indicate the correct phase sequence of two alternators in parallel
• To connect the incoming alternator with the bus bar
• To adjust the frequency of the incoming alternator
• To indicate the correct phase sequence of the incoming alternator and the bus bar
Answer: Point out the correct illustration of two alternators in parallel

34. Power factor of an AC circuit is equal to?
• Cosine of the angle between voltage and current
• Tangent of the angle between voltage and current
• Impedance/Resistance
• Apparent power/Real power
Answer: The cosine of the angle between voltage and current

35. The resistance of an ‘open circuit’ is?
• Zero
• Less than 1 ohm
• Infinite
• Less than before
Answer. infinite

36. What is the yoke of a DC machine made of?
• Copper
• Carbon
• Cast iron
• Silicon steel
Answer: Cast iron

37. The size of a hammer is given by its……. details.
• Length of peen
• Diameter of face
• Weight of hammer
• Height of head
Answer: weight of the hammer

38. Chances of corona formation are mostly maximum during….
• Humid season
• Dry season
• Winter season
• Summer season
Answer: Humid weather

39. In a 3-phase induction motor, the three windings should be installed at ……… electrical degree difference.
• 90
• 120
• 360
• 60
Answer: 120

40. The part of the coil which remains outside the stator core is called?
• Active side
• Inactive side
• Coil-wire
• Unused-side
Answer: passive side

41. Insulator may fail due to……?
• Flash over
• Short circuit
• Dust accumulation
• Any of these
Answer: Any of these

42. The field of a separately excited DC generator is connected to:
• In series with the armature
• Across the armature
• To an external supply source
• None of the above
Answer: From external supply sources

43. Which type of file will you choose for smoothening a wooden log?
• Rough file
• Rasp cut file
• Bastard file
• Single cut file
Answer: Rasp cut file

44. A raised-pole alternator has 12 poles. The number of cycles of emf in one rotation will be-
• 2
• 4
• 6
• 8
Answer: 6

45. In humid weather, corona is formed at ……. voltage.
• Much lower than the voltage required in good weather
• Much higher
than the voltage required in good weather • Same as the voltage required in good weather
• None of the above
Answer: Much less voltage than required in good weather

46. ​​The length of a hacksaw blade is measured?
• Between the inner ends of two pin holes
• Between the outer ends of two pin holes
• Between the centres of two pin holes
• Between the inner end of one pin hole and the outer end of the other pin hole
Answer: Between the centers of two pin-holes

47. In electroplating the positive electrode is called?
• Cathode
• Terminal
• Anode
• Ion-tap
Answer: Anode

48. The topmost conductor in a high voltage transmission line is?
• R-phase conductor
• Y-phase conductor
• B-phase conductor
• Earth conductor
Answer. earth conductor

49. The starting torque of a squirrel-cage induction motor is:
• Low starting current, low starting PF
• Low starting current, high starting PF.
• High starting current, high starting PF
• High starting current, low starting PF
Answer. high starting current, high starting PF

50. The unit of inductance is?
• Farad
• Ohm
• Mho
• Henry
Answer: Henry

51. As per Indian Electricity Rules a service line should not be ‘tapped’ at?
• Mid extension
• Starting point
• Termination point
• Near dielectric
Answer: From the middle extension

52. The magnetic contactor of the starter vibrates excessively as soon as it is switched ‘ON’. Possible faults are?
• Low voltage and single phasing
• High voltage
• Presence of dust between connectors
• Low voltage and presence of dust between connectors
Answer: Low voltage and presence of dust between connectors

UPPCL JE Electrical Practice Set PDF download

53. If the opposing force (black e,mf) is absent in a DC motor then
• the motor will run at very high rotation speed
• the motor will run at very low rotation speed
• the motor will burn
• the motor will not run
Answer: The motor will burn out

54. The resistance of a new thermostat should be:
• Zero or only a few ohms
• In kilo ohms
• Infinity
• In mega ohms
Answer: in kilo ohms

55. Which type of looping method uses less wire in wiring?
• Loop out of switch and ceiling rose
• Loop out of switch
• Loop out of three plate ceiling rose
• Loop out of junction box
Answer. Loop exit from three plate ceiling rose

56. The rotation speed of a series motor in no-load condition is?
• Zero
• 3000 rpm
• 3600 rpm
• Infinity
Answer. infinite

57. Which substance is used to control chain reaction in nuclear reactor?
• Thorium
• ‘Heavy water’
• Boron
• Beryllium
Answer: Boron

58. The mass of the substance deposited on an electrode
is- • Proportional to the voltage.
• Proportional to time only.
• Proportional to current only.
• Proportional to the amount of current and E.T.U.
Answer: It is proportional to the amount of current and the voltage.

59. Which of the following substances is a good conductor of electricity?
• Rubber
• Copper
• Ebonite
• Bakelite
Answer: Copper

60. Bagasse is …….
• A tar charcoal
• Fuel made from wood etc.
• The fibrous part of sugarcane which remains after extracting juice.
• A kind of paddy straw
Answer: The fibrous part of sugarcane which remains after extracting the juice.

61. Which of the following types of amplifier provides good noise suppression?
• Class A amplifier
• Class C amplifier
• Push-pool amplifier
• Direct coupled amplifier
Answer: Push-pool amplifier

62. Files are made from?
• Cast iron
• Cast steel or special tool steel
• Mild steel
• Nickel steel
Answer: From cast steel or special tool steel

63. Which storage battery is commonly used in power plants?
• Nickel-cadmium battery
• Zinc-carbon battery
• Lead acid battery
• None of the above
Answer: Lead acid battery

64. In a series-‘B’ amplifier the output current flows for?
• For a time less than the input half cycle.
• For a time more than the input half cycle .
• For the input half cycle time.
• For the input full cycle time.
Answer: For the implied half cycle time

65. The current carrying capacity of cables is specified in BIS regulation at a certain temperature. The specified temperature is………….
• 20°C
• 30°C
• 40°C
• 50°C
Answer: 40 ° C

66. The number of disc insulators used for a 66 kV transmission line is?
• 8
• 6
• 4
• 2
Answer: 6

67. Strain type insulators are used at?
• End points
• Intermediate anchor towers
• Straight lines
• Either (A) or (B)
Answer: Either (A) or (B)

68. The advantage of pre-heated fluorescent lamp over incandescent lamp is that –
• It produces light at a faster rate.
• It produces light per watt.
• It generally has a longer life.
• It can be used for both heating and light production.
Answer: It is generally long-lived.

69. A single-phase energy meter of the induction type is?
• An ampere-hour meter
• A true volt-hour meter
• A watt meter
• None of the above
Answer: A real volt-hour meter

70. The size of the transformer used in the battery charging device/inverter depends on?
• The charging voltage of the battery
• The charging current of the battery
• The charging power of the battery
• The charging energy of the battery
Answer: On the charging power of the battery

71. The illumination of a surface is?
• Directly proportional to its distance from the source
• Inversely proportional to its distance from the source
• Directly proportional to the square of its distance from the source
• Inversely proportional to the square of its distance from the source
Answer: Inversely proportional to the square of its distance from the source

72. Which of the following can be the possible cause for distorted output in an AF amplifier?
• Open coupling capacitor
• Open ‘on’/’off’ switch
• Too high input signal level
• Open bypass capacitor
Answer: Very high input signal level

73. It is not possible to draw this diagram to do the complete wiring. But it is drawn to show it to the customer and get his consent?
• Layout diagram
• Installation plan
• Circuit diagram
• Wiring diagram
Answer: Installation plan

74. The induced emf of a DC machine is proportional to:
• Field flux only
• Speed ​​of armature
• Number of conductors
• All of these
Answer: All of these

75. As per Indian Electricity Rules, no conductor of any low or medium voltage overhead line (including service line) shall be installed at a minimum height of less than ……. metres across a road or any portion thereof.
• 4 (13 ft)
• 4.5 (14.7 ft)
• 5 (164 ft)
• 5.486 (18 ft)
Answer: 5.486 (18 feet)

76. The thickness of sheet metal is indicated by a series of numbers. It is called?
• Number size
• Gauge
• Standard size
• None of these
Answer: Gauge

77. The oscillator circuit which is designed to convert sine wave signal into square wave signal is called-
• Schmmitt trigger
• Blocking oscillator
• Multivibrator
• Weinbridge oscillator
Answer. Schmitt trigger

78. If a ceiling fan rotates in the reverse direction at a slow speed when switched on, what could be the reason?
• The winding is burnt
• The bearings are worn out
• The capacitor is ineffective
• None of these
Answer: Capacitor is ineffective

79. The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected by ………..?
• Plate thickness
• Plate area
• Plate separation
• Nature of dielectric
Answer: Thickness of the plate

80. The conservator used in a transformer is?
• Hermetic metallic drum installed above the oil tank
• Hermetic metallic drum installed below the oil tank
• Overload protection device
• None of the above
Answer. An airtight metallic drum installed on top of the oil tank

81. A ceiling fan heats up while rotating at slow speed. Choose the fact which is not the cause of this.
• The capacitor is burnt .
• The connections in the supply line are interchanged.
• The sheathing is earthed or partially short-circuited.
• The bearings are worn and the blades are bent.
Answer: Supply line connections have become interchangeable.

82. Control rods used in nuclear reactors are made of …….
• Zirconium
• Boron
• Beryllium
• Lead
Answer: Boron

83. Electrochemical equivalent is?
• Ratio of atomic weight of an element to the atomic weight of hydrogen
• Ratio of amount of an element released per unit amount of hydrogen
• Ratio of atomic weight and valency
• None of the above
Answer: The ratio of an element released per unit amount of hydrogen

84. The purpose of using damper in large sized alternators is?
• To reduce current fluctuation
• To reduce voltage fluctuation
• To increase stability
• To increase output v.a.v.
Answer: Increasing stability

85. Operating voltage of IC 555 is?
• 3 to 10 volts DC
• 1 to 5 volts DC
• -5 to +5 volts DC
• +5 to +15 volts DC
Answer: +5 to +15 volts DC.

86. The rotor of a 6-pole alternator must pass through …….. electrical degrees in one complete rotation.
• 2160°
• 1080°
• 720°
• 360°
Answer: 1080°

87. Chain reaction in nuclear reactor is controlled by…….
• Iron rods
• Cadmium rods
• Graphite rods
• Brass rods
Answer: Cadmium rods

88. Electroplating occurs on which of the following?
• Only on the cathode
• Only on the anode
• Both on the anode and the cathode
• Either on the anode or the cathode
Answer: Only at the cathode

89. Compared to an amplifier, a transformer cannot:
• Increase the output power
• Increase the output voltage
• Increase the output current
• None of these
Answer: Increase in output power

90. A heater bed 250 V, 1000 W, heating filament 500°C on its label is connected to a 230 V supply. What will happen to the heater?
• The output heat will remain the same.
• The glow of the heating filament of the heater will be dim
• The glow will be brighter due to higher current
• The efficiency will increase
Answer: The output heat will remain the same.

91. While estimating wiring to deal with any future problem, usually an additional amount is added to the total cost which is…….?
• 3 percent
• 5 percent
• 7 percent
• 10 percent
Answer: 5 percent

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